A Lifelong Learning Adventure
What is Charitable Giving?
‘“The old adage says that serving is any combination of dollars, time, and knowledge. For me, “giving back” is not necessarily being the founder of a new organization or being on the front line directly impacting those in need, but indirectly as part of the advisory team.
The Smile That Started a Legacy of Impact
In the dead of winter, Ron and Jeanie Carson had a conversation that would renew the wonder of life for hundreds of others. One blizzardy day in 2012 Ron and Jeanie decided they wanted to do something to serve a population that they believe is often forgotten and underserved: the elderly.
The Rhythm of Giving Back
On a summer day you may roll down your window and blast your favorite song, before you know it everyone in the car is singing along. At the onset of a calm autumn evening you may put on that quiet melody that brings you peace. The one that passes time with you in the kitchen and follows you …
A Gold Ring
Kurt Gutfreund is an incredible man dedicated to keeping Holocaust survivors’ stories alive. His advocacy, generosity, and dedication to educating the next generation about World War II’s dark history is undeniably bringing light to a past that cannot be forgotten.
How to Hit a Win/Win/Win
Written by Chuck Mackie, Maven Wave Partners and 3Points Communications For the past five years, I have been the co-chairman of a fundraising event here in Chicago called ALTSO Rocktoberfest and it has taught me that it’s possible to have a win/win/win situation: doing well for yourself and …
The Power of Passing it Forward
Published by Jim Quigley I recently attended my first college scholarship night. The students and parents sat in the audience as 30 separate presenters told their scholarship story and called up the chosen student to receive their award.
Doing Good Gets More
For the last several years I have had the privilege of traveling with family, friends and strangers to serve the poor overseas.
The Inside Secret about Giving
A few winters back a friend invited my Dad to roll up his sleeves and make a difference at Feed My Starving Children. As a father of three, I am fortunate that my Dad used this opportunity to open Jersey and Piper (his granddaughters/my girls) to a life outside their bubble. Heading to FMSC …